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GBD2022-2Great Green Macaw by Elián Alvarado. A highlight of the day was a group of 85 individuals that were counted on Oct 8 flying from north to south.


Global Big Day October 8, 2022 –
Another Great Day for Sarapiquí!


The naturalists in Sarapiquí, where Selva Verde is located, are super motivated and engaged and make plans in advance to cover certain routes and enjoy the day in certain groups. There are naturalists of all ages as you can see in the pictures. It speaks volumes about the amazing culture and community in Sarapiquí and their appreciation for the birds and nature of their region and beyond. They are known as Team Sarapiquí and they are passionate!

GBD2022-3Screenshot of eBird Showing Costa Rica coming in eigth for Oct 8, 2022 GBDThis GBD, they were able to see 322 species! Here are some statistics for those bird nerds out there or for our competitively oriented folks:
• As a country, Costa Rica came in eigth with 719    species seen.
• The Sarapiquí Team came in fifth in the country. (Woo hoo!!)
• Selva Verde Lodge & Private Reserve came in fourth in terms of “sites of distinction” within the province of Heredia.
GBD2022-4Ecotourism Students from CTP Puerto Viejo

 Congratulations Sarapiquí Team for an amazing job on GBD 2022! But most of all, congratulations for having a Global Big Day that includes such an amazing group of naturalists and birders – roughly 70 birders of all ages!
Check out more details HERE!