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Migratory Season of Birds of Prey: A Privately Guided Sarapiquí Experience

A birding adventure


Rufous tailed Jacamar by Sanford SorkinSwainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)Experience a bird-focused adventure. Join us this migration season to enjoy one of the largest movements of the year, where you can observe birds such as the Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus), Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni), and Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura). This package is designed for you to enjoy both migratory birds as well as the endemic and native species that are abundant in the country. Costa Rica is home to over 900 species, with Sarapiquí hosting approximately 515 of them.

Package Details

5 days/4 nights (all nights at Selva Verde Lodge)
Valid: From September 01st, 2024 to December 14th, 2024
$1490 per person, two participants
$1120 per person, three participants (one room)
$1296 per person, three participants (two rooms)
*** Minimun 2 persons ***


Package includes

  • Private English-speaking naturalist and birding guide/driver (or guide + driver) for entire program.
  • Private vehicle transportation throughout the program. The exclusive use of the transportation allows for flexibility in the daily activities which can be adjusted as needed.
  • Breakfast on a daily basis
  • Accommodations in a Sarapiquí Room type, entrance fees, and activities listed in itinerary. Rates do not include gratuities, alcoholic beverages, or optional activities.

Package Does not include

  • Laundry, lunches and dinners, alcoholic beverages and items of a personal nature
  • Travel insurance (See current requirements by Costa Rican government)



Keel billed Toucan by Joaquin GarciaKeel-billed Toucan by Joaquin GarciaDay 1 | Sarapiquí to San José

 Arrive in San José. After clearing customs and immigration, you'll meet your naturalist guide, who will be with you throughout your birdwatching adventure. Together, you'll transfer to your base for the program, Selva Verde Lodge & Rainforest Reserve, which is about a two-hour drive from San José. Depending on your flight arrival time, there might be chances to do some birdwatching on the way, so it's a good idea to keep your binoculars handy in your carry-on. Also, if your flight arrives at an appropriate time, you can have lunch along the way (at your own expense). Selva Verde is located in the Caribbean lowlands, with elevations ranging from 180 to 220 feet. Established by the Holbrook family in 1985, Selva Verde is known for its dedication to ecological preservation and sustainability. The reserve hosts a wide variety of bird species, including various herons, egrets, hawks, falcons, macaws, hummingbirds, flycatchers, warblers, sparrows, and tanagers. Some species often seen at Selva Verde include the Keel-billed Toucan, Sunbittern, Crimson Tanager, Wood Thrush, Violet-crowned Woodnymph, and Grey-necked Wood-Rail. After settling in at the lodge and refreshing yourself, join your guide for a brief orientation to the program and an overview of the next day’s activities. Dinner tonight will be on your own.


Green Ibis by Dixie SommersGreen Ibis by Dixie SommersDay 2 | Sarapiquí | Selva Verde Lodge

 Start your day by meeting at the restaurant for a cup of Costa Rican coffee before heading out for your first morning of birdwatching around the lodge's grounds. Return to the lodge for breakfast, and afterward, continue exploring the area. You can have lunch (at your own expense) either at Selva Verde Lodge or at a nearby restaurant. The afternoon is free for you to enjoy various optional activities such as more birdwatching at the lodge or in the region, a delightful sustainable chocolate tour, or simply relaxing by the pool at Selva Verde. Your guide can suggest many activities. For those interested, there are rural tourism activities available through the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center, a local non-profit, such as cooking classes, visiting a local farm, or dance classes. These activities help local people participate in the tourism economy, which is vital for the sustainability of Sarapiquí. This evening, review your birdwatching checklist with your guide before having dinner on your own.


Great curassowGreat CurassowDay 3 | Sarapiquí | Selva Verde Lodge

Depart early in the morning for birdwatching in the tropical wet forests of the renowned Organization for Tropical Studies La Selva Biological Station. Upon arriving at La Selva, you will birdwatch around the grounds and roads surrounding the facilities. Breakfast will be enjoyed at the station (boxed breakfast), followed by a private birdwatching walk. La Selva covers nearly 4,000 acres, with more than half of it being virgin forest. The area receives over 13 feet of rainfall annually, making it an ideal spot for observing water birds. Over half of Costa Rica's recorded bird species have been seen at La Selva, including the Bare-necked Umbrellabird, Red-capped Manakin, Great Antshrike, Chestnut-backed Antbird, Slaty-tailed Trogon, Striped Cuckoo, Slaty Spinetail, Yellow-tailed Oriole, and Rufous-tailed Jacamar. After the morning's birdwatching at La Selva, enjoy lunch at your own expense at Selva Verde Lodge or another restaurant in the area. In the afternoon, you'll embark on a boat ride on the Río Sarapiquí. A short drive east of the lodge takes you to the town of Puerto Viejo (not to be confused with the town of the same name on the Atlantic coast). This town is the capital of the county and was historically a significant stop on the trade route connecting the two coasts. At the river port, you'll board a covered, stable, motorized vessel with your naturalist guide. As you cruise down the river, bordered by forests and cultivated fields, keep an eye out for aquatic animals, birds, and reptiles in their natural habitats. You might also observe local residents going about their daily lives and see the impact of nearby banana plantations on the watershed. Afterward, return to the lodge to review your checklist with your guide and prepare for another exciting day of birdwatching in Sarapiquí.


Snowcap HummingbirdSnowcap HummingbirdDay 4 | Sarapiquí | Selva Verde Lodge

After breakfast at Selva Verde, depart for the Nature Reserve Lapa Verde. This reserve protects 1,825 hectares of land, with about 1,365 hectares covered by tropical rainforest. Approximately 300 hectares consist of regenerating young forest, 30 hectares are dedicated to reforestation, and 130 hectares are swamps and lagoons. The area is part of the San Juan - La Selva biological corridor. The reserve's diverse habitats, including lagoons, streams, swamps, pastures, scrubland, and primary and secondary forests, support a rich biodiversity. The reserve features a 360-degree tower at a key location where migratory birds can be observed in September, October, and November. This was constructed to study bird behavior and conduct counts, offering a unique experience to observe bird movements from a height and different perspective. Lunch today can be arranged at Selva Verde’s Restaurant or a local restaurant in the area. After your visit, return to Selva Verde for rest and relaxation. Dinner will be either at Selva Verde Lodge or a nearby restaurant.


Cinchona by Christa MarkleyCinchona by Christa MarkleyDay 5 | Sarapiquí | San José

This morning, bid farewell to Selva Verde Lodge and Sarapiquí. Your guide will take you to the international airport for your departure..








For more information or to make a reservation:


 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  Call: (506)2761-1800 (Costa Rica)